Brelli Bling Pink- Small

Brelli Bling Pink- Small


The blush pink blingBRELLI small is the ultimate unique fashion accessory that sparkles. Perfect for one, it is sure to make you feel the glamour with beautiful Swarovski crystals.

Our small pink designer umbrellas provide superior protection from the rain and sun (blocks 99% of UVA/UVB/UVC rays), while withstanding winds up to 40 mph. These umbrellas are all handmade using sustainable and renewable bamboo, organic cotton and biodegradable PVC. It comes with a custom carrying case for easy handling with style.

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Can The BRELLI withstand 40 MPH winds? Lisa Roberts of the new TV series, "My Design Life" tests the BRELLI umbrella to see if it really does withstand 40 MPH winds. See more about The Brelli ---------------------------------------------- Shop: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest:


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